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intasc 2

STANDARD 2: Learning Differences

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Digging deeper, Standard 2 looks at how students learn in different ways. Teachers must not only recognize but also respect and praise the variety of ways that students learn. While teaching, a skilled teacher will make calculated changes in their approach in order to reach all students. Whether a student has disabilities or is highly gifted, all students need specific and specialized attention in order for them to achieve at the highest level. As the U.S. grows and becomes a more culturally diverse nation, multiple perspectives of content should be given in order to cover all areas and reach all students. A teacher skilled in Standard 2 should be able to efficiently bring in the prior skills and knowledge of all students so that they can learn most efficiently. 

Standard 2 is probably the standard I have touched on the least. My only real experience teaching so far has been to a class of my own peers. Even though many of us do come from different backgrounds, it is hard to pinpoint the ares to work on with each student in a short lesson. However, when talking about cultures, the first song I taught was a folk tune from Newfoundland. I mentioned this fact to the class and gave some information about how the people who would sing the song must have lived. Students could then connect that to their own life and see how it is similar and different. As when teaching my peers, in the future I will be sure to touch on their previous skills, that either I or someone else has taught them in order for them to learn quickly and efficiently.

Certainly Music Education courses including secondary education courses as well as techniques courses will be great to progress my skills in Standard 2. Another essential course will be Human Growth and Development. I am sure that the topics covered in this course will grow my skills in understanding the different ways in which students learn. Again the best way to develop my skills is to be around students and teach in the field as much as possible. In the future I hope to ask to work for and at different schools to gain experience teaching. Any experience to get me inside a school and around other teachers and students can be nothing but a positive learning experience for me. 

MUSE 375

This course allowed me the opportunity to work with students of many different skill levels and backgrounds. I had to find a way to be engaging and an effective teaching to all the student I came contact with. Dealing with students of varying cultural backgrounds is something that is new for me. I feel that the most important thing about working with any student is to make them feel comfortable and believe that you care about them. It is important to meet the students at their ability level and give them feedback appropriate for them to be successful. 

MUSE 355

String Methods gave the chance to work with a variety of students. It is incredible important to meet the needs of all the students we encounter. In the field, I asked many questions to make sure students were understanding what I was teaching them. Sometimes I would ask for suggestions on how they might learn or understand more completely. I found it refreshing and interesting that the first graders almost all wanted to solo for the class. Though I was not expecting this, the culture of the class was such that all the student wanted to display their talents. I adjusted my lesson to fit the students desires because I felt that it would foster student engagement. Anything I can do to get students excited about playing their instrument and learning about music is a good thing. We also talked a lot about being inclusive of all cultures in the classroom. This could mean choosing music from a non-western musical background, and making sure textbooks or posters in the room represent a diverse range of cultures and communities. 

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